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Saturday, August 8, 2009


Einstein was born at Ulm in Württemberg, Germany on March 14, 1879. His family was Jewish but was not very religious. Albert did not talk until he was about three, which is very unusual.[needs proving] When Albert was around four, his father gave him a magnetic compass. He was very interested in trying to understand how an invisible force could make the needle move and became interested in studying science and mathematics. This compass inspired him to explore the world. Albert went to a Roman Catholic school. He was not a good student, and many people thought him to be not very smart.
When he became older, he went to a school in Switzerland. After he graduated, he got a job in the patent office there. While he was working there, he wrote the papers that made him famous as a great scientist. Einstein had two heavily-disabled children with his first wife Mileva. Liesel suffered from Down syndrome and was brought to her Serbian grandparents. She has never been heard from again. Eduard Einstein was diagnosed with a severe mental illness spending decades in hospitals.
Einstein's brain was found severely unusual for a genius. Geniuses' brains are around 1500 to 1600 cm³.[needs proving] There is an indirect connection between brain size and the size of the neopallium especially important for the brain's higher functions. However, Einstein's brain weight was below-average and showed further signs of degeneration (e.g. Sylvian fissure).
In 1917, Einstein became very sick with an illness that almost killed him. His cousin Elsa Lowenthal then nursed him back to health. After this, Einstein divorced Mileva, and married Elsa on June 2, 1919.
Just before the start of World War I, he moved back to Germany, and became director of a school there. He lived in Berlin until the Nazi government came to power. The Nazis hated people who were Jewish or who came from Jewish families. They accused Einstein of helping to create "Jewish physics," and German physicists tried to prove that his theories were wrong. Einstein moved to the United States to Princeton, New Jersey after feeling the heat of Nazi Germany and in 1940 he became a United States citizen.
During World War II, Einstein and Leó Szilárd wrote to the U.S. president Franklin D. Roosevelt, to say that the United States should invent an atomic bomb before the Nazi government could invent one first. He was not part of the Manhattan project, which was the project to create the atomic bomb. He only signed the letter.
Einstein died on April 18, 1955 of heart disease. He was still writing about quantum physics hours before he died.